It takes months to provide Christmas to hundreds of children and we could not do it without the support of our community.
Make a Financial Donation– It takes money to do all that we do and we rely on support from people like you. Financial donations are always our greatest need. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to Act Together Ministries.
Sponsor a Child– Would you mind adding a child in need to your Christmas list? You will be assigned a child to shop for along with some practical gift suggestions. Plan to spend $75-100. Feel free to team up with a friend to split the cost.
Serve as a Santa’s Helper- FULL.
Organize a Toy Drive– Could you organize a toy drive in your neighborhood, at your office, school, or church? We will provide step by step directions to help you along the way.
Assist in Santa’s Workshop– Volunteers are needed to help stuff stockings, check and label gifts, and assist with party prep.
Help with Pick Ups– We have many offices and businesses collecting toys throughout the area. Volunteers are needed to deliver collection boxes and help pick up toys after they are collected.
Act as a Drop Off Location– Allow your office, store or church to serve as a drop off location for toys throughout the Christmas season. Send us a message and we’ll get back to you with all the details.
Volunteer at the Christmas Party- FULL Give a few hours of your time to help at Act Together’s Christmas party. Volunteers are needed to help at the Happy Birthday Jesus party on Saturday, Dec. 14th. Volunteers are needed to serve food, assist with crowd control, play games with the kids, help with crafts, load Christmas gifts into the cars and more. Volunteers MUST be flexible and willing to serve where needed.
Serve Others This Holiday Season
It takes months to provide Christmas to hundreds of children and we could not do it without the support of our community.![Sign In Table Sign In Table]()
Make a Financial Donation– It takes money to do all that we do and we rely on support from people like you. Financial donations are always our greatest need. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to Act Together Ministries.
Sponsor a Child– Would you mind adding a child in need to your Christmas list? You will be assigned a child to shop for along with some practical gift suggestions. Plan to spend $75-100. Feel free to team up with a friend to split the cost.
Serve as a Santa’s Helper- FULL.
Organize a Toy Drive– Could you organize a toy drive in your neighborhood, at your office, school, or church? We will provide step by step directions to help you along the way.
Assist in Santa’s Workshop– Volunteers are needed to help stuff stockings, check and label gifts, and assist with party prep.
Help with Pick Ups– We have many offices and businesses collecting toys throughout the area. Volunteers are needed to deliver collection boxes and help pick up toys after they are collected.
Act as a Drop Off Location– Allow your office, store or church to serve as a drop off location for toys throughout the Christmas season. Send us a message and we’ll get back to you with all the details.
Volunteer from Home: Help with Phone Calls– This is a wonderful way to get involved without leaving your house.
Volunteer from Home: Help with Data Entry– Do you have basic experience with Microsoft Excel?
Volunteer at the Christmas Party- FULL Give a few hours of your time to help at Act Together’s Christmas party. Volunteers are needed to help at the Happy Birthday Jesus party on Saturday, Dec. 14th. Volunteers are needed to serve food, assist with crowd control, play games with the kids, help with crafts, load Christmas gifts into the cars and more. Volunteers MUST be flexible and willing to serve where needed.