Roswell, GA 30075

Birthday Packs

DSC00425Similar to Christmas sponsorship, Act Together offers birthday sponsorship to the children in our programs. 

A birthday pack can be as simple or elaborate as the sponsor wants.  Each birthday pack is filled with $25 worth of party supplies, enough for a family or small neighborhood party.  Cake mix, icing, balloons, party decorations, and more.  The birthday pack also has a gift card or $25 worth of gifts. 

For our teenagers, we’ve found that Movie Packs are a big hit.  Instead of party supplies and gifts, the teens receive a movie pack, often in a large popcorn bowl filled with items for a movie night with friends.  These movie packs might have popcorn, soda, chips, movie size candy, and other treats.   



Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. -James 1:27